Finals 2024

Virtual Format

August 12 – 13, 2024



A group of exceptionally capable and dynamic international specialists contributed to the success of TIC Americas.


Connect young entrepreneurs and national organizations in a vibrant community of global players that support youth development and exchange opportunities to train a new generation of responsible business leaders.



In its second edition, the program promotes eco-conscious business models in emerging economies and aims to empower change-makers through innovation and sustainable solutions.

The “Youth on the Move” Innovation Challenge is a regional innovation competition designed to identify, support, and accelerate innovative ideas and new business models that promote and facilitate the socio-economic integration of Venezuelan migrants persons residing in Ecuador, Peru, and the Dominican Republic. The goal is to have a direct and positive social impact on their host communities.


Speakers and Experts


9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (Horario de Washington, D.C.) | Formato Virtual

Palabras de Apertura: 
  • Valerie Lorena, Directora Ejecutiva, Young Americas Business Trust
  • Samy Araya Rojas, Representante Permanente Alterna de Costa Rica ante la Organización de los Estados Americanos
  • Luis Niño, Presidente de la Junta Directiva, Young Americas Business Trust
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Palabras Introductorias:
  • Romina Kasman, Especialista en Educación, UNESCO
  • Cristina Nolasco, Especialista en Emprendimiento, Innovación y Alianzas Público-Privada
  • Mariana Carmona, Zôni, Brasil
  • Kevin Aguilar, Bosco Verde, El Salvador
  • Alisson Pérez, Mutare Mundo, Ecuador
  • Víctor Julio Blanco, Tecnologías, México
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Palabras de Bienvenida: 
  • Embajadora Milagro Martínez Bonilla, Representante de la Secretaría General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos en Costa Rica
  • Karen Chinchilla, Gerente Multi País para América Central y la República Dominicana, Pacto Global de las Naciones Unidas
  • Edgar Maestre, Director de Programas, Young Americas Business Trust 
  • Flavia Araujo, Líder de Asuntos Corporativos (Comunicaciones, Impacto Social y Asuntos de Gobierno), PepsiCo Bebidas Latinoamérica 
  • Yadira Pinilla, Asesora Senior del Departamento de Desarrollo Humano, Educación y Empleo – SEDI, OEA
  • Johnny Poveda Mora, Coordinador TEC Emprende Lab, Tecnológico de Costa Rica
  • Genaro Sánchez, Secretario de Juventud, Instituto Municipal de Atención a la Juventud, San Miguel de Allende
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Palabras Introductorias: 
  • Priscila Zúñiga Villalobos, Gerente del Programa de Equidad de Género y Juventudes, Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura
  • Dunnia Marín Corrales, Directora de la Escuela de Administración, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
  • Yuly Contreras, VIT Sensors, Colombia
  • Joaquín Forteza, TraceSurfer, Uruguay
  • Jorge Delgado, STARI YAQUA, Perú
  • Juan Felipe Torres, Silverbox, Colombia 
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Palabras de Bienvenida: 
  • Kristel Ward Hudson, Viceministra de Juventud, República de Costa Rica
  • Lizette Huezo Ponce, Directora del Departamento Regional de Emprendimiento – Occidente, Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Maureen Serrano, CEO, Bizquick
  • Luis Romero, CEO, Orofón
  • Gabriel Orozco Durán, CEO, InnoBovino
  • Andrea Aramayo San Martín, Responsable de Asesorías Empresariales, ORBITA
  • Jonathan Castro, Coordinador de FabLab, IICA
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  • Manuel Otero, Director General, Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura
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Palabras de Bienvenida: 

  • Luis Viguria, Presidente Ejecutivo, Young Americas Business Trust

Mensaje Especial:

  • Embajadora Araceli Azuara, Representante de la Secretaría General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos en la República Dominicana*
  • Georgina Núñez, Oficial de Asuntos Económicos de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe | Vicepresidenta de la Junta Directiva, Young Americas Business Trust

Anuncio de Ganadores del Eco-Reto 2023:

  • Luis Esis, Gerente de Ciudadanía y Sostenibilidad, PepsiCo Bebidas Latinoamérica 

Palabras de Cierre:

  • Valerie Lorena, Directora Ejecutiva, Young Americas Business Trust

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Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) is an international non-profit organization that works in cooperation with the Organization of American States (OAS) to promote the social and economic development of young people around the world. While building entrepreneurship and creating opportunities for future business leaders, the YABT community advances global goals and strengthens youth-led initiatives for sustainable development.


We emphasize practical experience to generate an entrepreneurial and innovative spirit in young people, motivating and guiding them through real business experiences.


We connect young entrepreneurs and organizations creating a vibrant community of local actors, who support youth development, citizen participation, learning opportunities and exchanges, in order to train a new generation of responsible leaders.


Our skills are based on providing business acceleration platforms where young people develop their business ideas and startups, through hemispheric programs that connect with the private sector, investors, and governments that support business proposals with scalable innovations in various sectors.


We work through national and international alliances that provide financial support to programs and initiatives for young entrepreneurs.


with us

YABT works with companies from different sectors, multilateral organizations, Member States and Permanent Observers to the OAS, creating deep and scalable relationships to invest in programs and initiatives that support the talent and capacity of young people, preparing them for the future of work and business.

YABT is an international non-profit organization with a cooperation agreement with the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States.
© 2023 Young Americas Business Trust. All rights reserved.