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Make my Essay escribió...

My language studies included four years of Spanish and two years of Arabic. I have traveled all over the United States and into Canada. I have also traveled to Japan with my grandmother, who is a native of that country. Before settling into my current role as a writer, I was devoted to becoming an actress. I have performed with Shakespeare and Company, Berkshire Theatre Festival, and a slew of independent directors. Shakespeare in particular is a great love of mine; I grew up studying his works and continue to revisit them to this day. I have also heavily researched the theatre of the absurd, as defined by theatre critic Martin Esslin and exemplified in the works of Samuel Beckett, Eugene Ionesco, and Jean Genet. In addition to my acting experience, I trained in stage combat and scenic painting and dabbled in lighting tech.

2021-08-26 07:11:50

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